Accelerated learning strategy
We at Symbiosis Public School are extremely proud about the fact that we are the only School in eastern India to incorporate Accelerated Learning in our curriculum. Accelerated learning (A.L.) is the most advanced teaching and learning method in use today. It’s a total system for speeding and enhancing both the design process and the learning processes. Based on the latest brain research, it has proven again and again to increase learning effectiveness while saving time in the process. Many of today’s leading organizations and educational institutions of the world like Google, Apple, Harvard University, Stanford University etc. are benefiting from the power of accelerated learning.
What makes accelerated learning so effective is that it’s based on the way we all naturally learn. A.L. unlocks much of our potential for learning that has been left largely untapped by most conventional learning methods. The school management has invested a lot of resources in the
training of our teachers in A.L from Industry experts . After 2 years of extensive training we launched the Acceleration classes from class III to VIII in the session 2019-20 primarily targeting the students who are lagging behind and the results have been phenomenal. We will expand the scope of A.L in the years to come.